My Best Friend (Weekly Photo Challenge)

Serenity: the state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled.


I sat and thought about this week’s photo challenge for a while now. I’ve gone through many photographs that reminded me of serenity & became struck by photographs of my German Shepherd – Isaac.

Ever since Isaac joined us on December 26th 2013, he has become my first port of call whenever I needed to feel serenity.

Helping me with homework & cheering me up when I’m feeling under the weather…

2014-04-24 21.06.55IMG_3669

…He will always be found by my side. As soon as I wake up in the morning he is there – having opened the door at the sound of my alarm. He greats me with licks and tail wags; running around my legs & finishing with occasional jump – front paws perched on my shoulders.

Playing in the garden in Summer…


IMG_0003OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA…Or just generally playing with him. As soon as I walk in the door, I know I will be greeted by my big dopey friend; ball in mouth waiting for me to play with him for an hour before tea. On weekends I make the special effort to dance with him to the sounds of Xfm.

He is more than just a dog or family pet;

He is my best friend.

5 thoughts on “My Best Friend (Weekly Photo Challenge)

    1. I’ve nagged my mum for a German shepherd for years, I grew up with them & they are my favourite dogs. I grew very close to my last German shepherd & as I was still a child was heart broken when he passed. They really are a bundle of joy…very faithful! & thank you! It’s very hard to keep him still haha!


    1. Thank you very much! Your post is lovely, your dogs are beautiful indeed & I’m sure your memories of them are very special. My memories of past dogs are something I cherish. Isaac (the dog in the post) allows me to fondly remember those dogs as well as cherishing the moment I have with him.

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